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How Can we Reach Peace of Mind and Build
Supportive Relationships in Our Families?

When we experience conflicts, difficult communication, tension or disconnect in our family, we feel very stuck. When our efforts to make the relationship better do not bring any change, we often feel angry and frustrated, or sad and lonely and at times deeply worried about our loved ones.


I can help you resolve the negative repetitive patterns in your relationship and  learn effective communication skills. Even if other members of your family cannot attend or don’t wish to attend sessions, you can make a significant difference by changing how you react to the dynamics in your relationship and how you feel about it.

I work with families in different life situations and here are some of the issues many families struggle with:


  • Parenting to children and adolescents who exhibit challenging behaviors or have special needs, mental or health issues.

  • Different parenting styles that create conflicts and confusion.

  • Parenting issues pre divorce and post divorce.

  • Being a single parent struggling with overwhelming responsibilities and stress.

  • Blended families post divorce, issues with step children, step parents, step siblings.

  • LGBT parents raising children can bring unique challenges, insecurities and conflicts with family members.

  • Difficult relationship with aging parents, or extended family, such as poor boundaries, dependency or overwhelming responsibilities.

  • Conflicts that stem from different faith or different cultural or ethnic backgrounds.

  • Struggles with infertility or adoption, this situation affects all members of the family and couple relationships especially. If you are a single prospective parent you may need a lot of support.

  • Caring for a disabled family member or an aging parent is a daunting responsibility and brings conflicting feelings.

  • Crisis in the family, such as transition, loss of job, financial issues, health issues, addiction or loss.

  • Empty nesters struggle to manage relationship with adult children and redefine the new roles in life.


“Orly helped my son, who is in college, to overcome the anger he feels towards his dad and minimize the anxiety he experienced since he came out. He is now working on social anxiety related to dating and we are seeing a progress!”


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